Monday, April 19, 2010

Classification and Approaches of Blog

Different approaches for the “B” for Blogging

Blogging has grown into a worldwide phenomenon whereby majority of people is in the world of blogging regularly. Moreover Simons states (cited in Funnel, 2010) that blog has been classified into 9 different types which is pamphleteering, digest, advocacy, popular mechanics, exhibition, gatewatcher, diary, advertisement and news blog.

However, on the other hand, Quintagroup (2010) has further simplified the 9 classifications of blogs into 4 classifications which is personal, corporate, genre and media blogs. In this case, the blog classification as stated by Quintagroup will be more appropriate and widely acceptable by the public. This is because the way it classifies the blog is not only based on the types of contents, but also in the way those contents are delivered or written.

The exhibition and dairy blog will most likely be classified as the personal blog since the way it is conveyed is mostly towards to express or demonstrate the blogger personal express or idea.
Moreover, for the blog which often discusses on a specific issue or topic such as pamphleteering, digest, advocacy and gatewatcher blog will be classified as the genre blog in the point of view of the public.

Whereas exhibition, popular mechanics and advertisement blog is more concentrated towards more on commercial purposely such as demonstrate the product feature or recommendation of a particular product or services will be classified under the cooperate blog. In this case, the famous Asia blogger Kenny Sia’s blog will be fall under the cooperate blog. Since most of his post is for commercial purpose. In this case, Kenny Sia is explaining the feature of the IPhone in his post and the value plan that offer by the Maxis.

Lastly, the news blog will be classified as the media blog since it usually involves lots of pictures rather than just verbal communication in order to deliver the message more effectively.


Funnel, A 2008, ‘A taxonomy of blogs’, TheMediaReport, viewed 20 April 2010, .

Quintagroup, 2010, ‘Corperate Blogging’, Enterprise Blog Info, vieweid 20 April 2010,>.


Kenny,S 2010, 'ADV: The Apple Blackberry', viewed 19 April 2010,>.

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